I am a forgetful person. That is why I make lists. I actually like to make lists so I can see my progress and check things off. Love that check mark! I also get frustrated when I am talking with someone and then forget what I was about to say. Where do those thoughts go?? It's not like I had to remember my thought for a long time. Just a few seconds. I try so hard to jog my memory with what I was just thinking about, but to no avail...that thought is just lost.
This past Sunday the pastor of the church we are attending was speaking on II Tim 2:8-13. We are going through II Tim and it has been great and challenging. One of those get off your rump and get to it chapters. We studied guarding and entrusting and enduring. I could go on, but that is not what this post is about.
In verse 13, it says, "Remember Jesus Christ..." Small statement, but has a lot of punch to it. Remember Jesus!! Remember the Gospel!! Why do we need to remember?? Because we forget so often what Jesus has done. We forget who He is. We forget His purpose, His life, His love, His mercy, His death, His resurrection...and on and on. We get so enthralled with our own lives that we forget to look at Jesus. This really hit me. I think recently I have been forgetting to remember Jesus. I get sucked into the woe is me thoughts and forget. The Christian life is not an easy ride life. The pastor said several times this statement..."Nothing worthwhile is ever easy." This is so true.
So, when I get these woe is me thoughts, I need to remember Jesus. Look to Him. Remember the gospel. What great things He has done for me. Take the curveballs of life and glorify Christ with them. It could even be the everyday things of life and glorify Christ. Remember the many blessings God has already given me. Remember the many times He has been faithful. Rejoice and be thankful. There was a pastor on the radio that once said, "Would I still be thankful if the only thing Jesus did for me was die on the Cross?" Immediately I was like, yes of course. But then I really started thinking. Would I? I want to be.
The pastor also spoke about setting up Stones of Remembrance around your home. Little things that remind you of Christ. Things that point to show you how the Lord has blessed you. Things that remind you that He is faithful and how he has brought you through the tough times. They did this in the Old Testament to remember how God brought them through the Red Sea. I thought this was such a good idea. It could be pictures of people the Lord has used to shape you into a godly person, symbols of things the Lord has brought you through, etc. The purpose being to remind you and then when people ask about the picture or object to then tell them of the Christ. Remembering Jesus all the time. I want to be more intentional about setting up Stones of Remembrance. Things that will point me to Christ when I forget.
Remember Jesus Christ!