The last weekend in July, ADB's Dad and his wife came to visit. It was really hot when they were here and so we didn't really venture out that much. I mean over 100 degrees. We did venture out one day to the zoo. Memphis does have a pretty good zoo. It is known for it's pandas, which I wasn't really impressed with since they just sat hunched over eating bamboo. They looked lethargic, but I might be too if I was kept in zoo. Anyway, did I mention it was hot. Well it was and so here we are walking around the zoo sweating. Maybe not the smartest idea we have ever had, but it was fun. Here are some of my highlights at the zoo.
They were my favorite. Polar bears are really big. Their paws are huge. They have this pool they swim in where we can see underneath as they swim. For such a huge animal, they sure do swim fluidly. Their front paws do all the work, while the back paws just tuck under the body. I might have to try this the next time I'm in the water although I don't think it will work the same. I think I could have sat watched them swim all day.
ADB's Dad left on Monday. On Thursday, we flew to Virginia to see my family. My sister from Colorado was there as well. We had a fun time with my two nephews. They are pretty active and so you have to be ready for them. I think our favorite time with them was giving them rides in the wheelbarrow. ADB would grab one handle and I would take the other and then we would race down the lawn. Good exercise. I don't have photos yet, but I will hopefully post some soon.
We came back on Sunday and then on Monday headed out for a staff retreat. When we came back on Wednesday we were beat!
The hardest thing about our travels was leaving Bailey. He is such a sweet dog. He was so good while we were gone. Our neighbor watched him. I think I can brag about our dog because ABD and I have had no part in training him to be such a good dog. He came to us already trained. He waits at the door until you tell him he can come in and every night when we go to bed, he gets in his bed in the other room without us telling him. I could go on, but I won't. I thought I would post another picture. I hope to get an action shot of his favorite past time...fetching the stick. He loves it and would do it all day long.
Last but not least. I'm so excited about the Olympics, but wished I lived in California or at least that time zone so I could watch it all. We have stayed up so late yelling at the TV for people to swim faster, work harder, get to balls, not fall in gymnastics, etc. It's fun. Every time the theme song goes on, I sing along. GO USA!!