Wednesday, November 19, 2008


I haven't written in a while and now it will be even more sporadic as our computer at home has just died. Sad, sad day. All my fun pictures I was going to post were on that thing. What a love/hate relationship is going on now between the computer and myself. When I see it, I want to give it a drop kick, but then I remember we can still salvage some stuff from it so I release the urge.

Here are some updates:

1. For all of you out there that have been concerned about my black sweater. I have found one. Target came through for me in the clutch.

2. Auburn lost the game that ADB and I went to at Ole Miss. Not a huge surprise since they haven't had a winner season this year. Nonetheless, it was fun to see the Grove and Ole Miss and all the tailgating that goes on. It is huge here in the south. Also, before the game, there were parachuters that landed on the field (amazing) as well as 2 jets that flew over the field (also amazing). I had pictures but they are under lock down on the dead computer.

3. We were so excited for all the trick or treaters that we would have this year living in a neighborhood. So, I went out and bought all this candy...well I bought 3 bags which is a drastic increase in candy that we have ever had to buy. Living in NY, we only had like 3 people even come to our door. In preparation for the big night, I asked my neighbor how many people would actually come and the number of bags I needed to buy. I didn't want to be that house that ran out of candy. No one would ever come to our house again. She said I needed more. So, off to the store I went to buy more. Needless to say, we didn't have very many trick or treaters. We had way more than in NY, but we had lots of candy left over. Good to know for next year. Also, that same day, ADB wanted to get a chiminea. So, we got one. We put it together and had a little fire going to all that passed by. It was a little chilly that night. One little boy came up to the chiminea, got some candy and commented on how cool the chiminea was then said to ADB, "I respect this house." Not exactly sure what that means, but hey at least he respects it. We got a good little laugh out of that one.

4. We waited an hour and 15 minutes to early vote for the election. This was something totally new to us. After living in a small town in upstate New York for seven years, we have never had to wait in line for an election or even consider early voting. In fact, I don't know if it was even an option. So, in line we waited to vote before Nov. 4th so we wouldn't have to wait in an even longer line that day.

5. My soccer team lost its first game last night. At game time, it was low thirties. That's cold for Memphis. I was a bit chilly. Feeling in my toes was only gained after 20 minutes of playing. So, my conclusion is that we don't do well in the cold...and the other team passed extremely well. Playoffs are next week...we shall see how we do.

Now I am in Colorado visiting my sister. Her husband in out of town for business, so I'm here to help with the two kids. They are 4 and 20 months. Thus, the computer access as well.