Thursday, March 19, 2009


This week, Hubbie and I were able to help out with a project in a local cemetery called Zion Cemetery.  There was a college spring break conference for people here in Memphis this week called The Rising.  Hubbie's office mate is the leader/director of The Rising.  For more about The Rising and its vision click here.  The basic concept is to get people to talk about/discuss how to live out the gospel where there is division.  This division can be caused by socio-economic lines, classism, racism, etc.  During their week, one of the things they were apart of was restoring an abandoned cemetery. Sounds kind of weird, I know.  That was kind of what I thought when Hubbie and I were asked to help out with it.  But after serving that day raking, tearing stubborn vines, clearing dead trees, and picking up random trash (we found an old bed frame and an old carpet while we were clearing), there was something very redeeming about the day.  The day before we did a little research to find out what this Zion Cemetery really was.  It was interesting and even inspiring.  Here is a little video about Zion Cemetery.  An interesting fact is the first African American female physician is buried there and yet the cemetery itself looks like a jungle...well not the first 4 acres, but the last part of it does.  The little team I led was in charge of clearing a section.  I felt like I was in a jungle with all the vines and brush.   Hubbie also led a team and of course we were next to one another and of course we joked it was a competition to see who could clear the most, but you know in all jest there is a bit of seriousness...okay maybe a little more than a little.  We did have a great time getting to know some college students and talking with them about all kinds of things under the sun.  

It was a day well spent!

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Little hat modeled

One of the friends I made a hat for sent me this picture.  She had a friend  do a photo shoot of the little one and got a picture of little "Z" wearing the hat.  I thought it was so cute and had to share...a little big for her head, but still she looks so adorable in it!!

Monday, March 2, 2009


They were predicting maybe an inch of snow.   Then it just kept coming and coming and coming...soon they changed their report to higher estimates of snow.  Who knew we would get 4-5 inches.!!!  

But isn't it pretty!!!  I think it looks so wonderful because in two days it will all be gone!!  Here today gone tomorrow...well not exactly but it's melting quickly.

Here are some photos from Sunday Morning...also our 6th wedding anniversary!!!