Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Things that happen while running...

I can't believe it!  I really can't believe it.

I was running the other evening.   As I was running, I jumped off the sidewalk to pass this man walking his dog.  As I was passing him, he shot a snot rocket!!!!  I mean right as I'm almost parallel with him boogers being shot out of his nose in my direction.  I'm sure I got hit, but I don't want to think about it.  There isn't that much space between the sidewalk and the road.  My reaction:  I just kept running in disbelief.  I did do a quick glance to see if the fellow knew what he had done, but he didn't seem fazed.   No expression on his face, like "oh I didn't see you there", etc.  Nothing!

So here is my warning to all you runners out there:  BEWARE OF THE SNOT ROCKET SHOOTER!!!   He walks his dog in the evening and he doesn't care.  Just doesn't care if he hits you.  If you see him, quickly run in the opposite direction.