Sunday, February 3, 2008

Keep on Praying!

I don't know about you, but I have times when I become a slacker to pray for someone. In this instance I'm talking about someone who doesn't know the Lord or someone who has strayed from the faith. My faith gets small and I lose my fervor. Well, Scripture has reminded this week to not give up!! I love the fact that God's Word is living and active!

"And behold, they were bringing to Him a paralytic, lying on a bed; and Jesus seeing their faith said to the paralytic, "Take courage, My son, your sins are forgiven."...then He said to the paralytic - "Rise, take up your bed, and go home."
Matthew 9:2, 6
What has given me a new fervor is the fact that it was the faith of the friends bringing the paralytic. In verse 2 above it says THEIR faith. It wasn't the paralytic, it was the people bringing the paralytic. So this scripture has reminded me the importance of interceding for others and to not let my fervor die.
On another note, I wanted to fill you guys in on what is going on down here. Well, the weather yesterday was lovely. It was sunny and warm...I think around 60 degrees, maybe. I was outside just loving it. When I went for my run, I was way over dressed. The day before it was 30 and so I just thought it was sunny, but cold again. I was wrong. I got a good sweat out of it.
We are looking for a house here and there. We are currently renting and need to be out of the house by August. We do have time, but it's good to get a feel for what is out there and learn what is in our price range. We are learning a ton about life and living for Jesus everyday with a God centered focus. I am reminding myself daily that my only expectation is to glorify Christ (Phil 1:20). It is easy to expect things that we think are good and right, but be misled in our desires. The heart is deceitful and desperately sick (Jeremiah 17:9).
We are still visiting different churches to find the one we would like to be involved in. There are several great Bible teaching churches here, which is a huge blessing. We just haven't settled on one yet.
For those basketball sports fans, ADB was able to go to another Memphis Tigers basketball game the other day. They are ranked number 1 and so he gets excited when he is invited to go. The last game was a close one. Go Tigers! That is a little summary of what we are doing. I will try to get some pictures on here soon. There just hasn't been anything exciting to take pictures of and I don't want to post pictures of myself all the time. That would get boring very quickly.

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