Friday, April 11, 2008

Where Have I Been???

What a slacker I have been!! It has been almost a month since I've posted anything. Well, let me catch you up on the rest of March and beginning of April.

At the end of March, my lovely friends from New York flew me up to help with a Mother/Daughter Retreat. What a blessing that was for me!! It was so good to see them and be apart of the weekend. The theme for the weekend was True Beauty with the theme verse being from Psalm 34:5, "Those who look to Him are radiant." The weekend was full of fun and even included the Island of Beauty Pageant. For more on the pageant, click here. On a more serious note, the weekend challenged me to love the Lord more! In one of the sessions, the speaker really brought home the fact that if we love God, we will obey His commandments. The emphasis wasn't on obeying, but on loving. Many times when we hear this taught or preached the emphasis is on obeying the Lord. The focus then becomes on obeying and trying to obey and doing, doing, doing. All of this is in our own strength which is often why we fail at obeying. Her emphasis was on loving. If we love the Lord, then we will naturally obey Him from the overflow of our love for Him. It just made sense. Where is our focus?? On Jesus as it should be and not on the things we are doing or not doing. It really challenged me to pray for a deeper and greater love for the Lord. Fill me with your love so that I obey out of love and not just because I am told do such and such. This really made me clearly see where I can be legalistic in our faith. Are we doing it just to obey or is it because we just love the Lord so much we can't wait to do what He is telling us? Impactful.

After the retreat, I headed home. The next weekend ADB left for a golf tournament. They left on Thursday and came back on Sunday. It was a weekend filled with golf with 16 other men. I think he was in his dream world for a bit. Although his team didn't win (boo hoo), he did hit the longest drive and he even won a prize. You go babe! The prize...Coffee!! What a fitting prize for ADB (he loves coffee).

Then on Tuesday, we had our Banquet for the ministry we work for. ADB and I were in charge of the set up and organization. There were about 450 people there...a big event. So Monday and Tuesday were spent getting ready and doing last minute things for the banquet. Crazy!! In the end, it was a great to start planning for next year. Well, not really.

I wish I had a picture to post because it is spring down here in the south. All the trees are flowering, things are turning green. I just love this time of year. Maybe I will take a picture soon and post it so I can share this spring cheer.


Elizabeth said...

It was soooo much fun having you up here for the retreat! It was a blast!

In response to your comment on my blog, the entertainment center is a hand-me-down from the Armstrongs. They were just going to trash it unless someone wanted it so we decided to give it a try. I like it!

Tracy said...

Hey. You're slacking is almost MAY. Whacha been up to?