Tuesday, June 24, 2008


On Sunday, we got a dog!! He is a black lab as you can see from the photos. He is somewhere around 7 years old. We got him from a friend of ours who bought Bailey for his brother, but after a series (several series and seven years later) of events he has now come to live with us! Yeah!!

Bailey is a great dog. He is pretty low key and obedient. Not a high maintenance dog at all. We can leave him at home inside and not worry that things are going to be torn to shreds when we come back. He sits and stays. Pretty impressive. Down is a foreign word to him. When you throw the ball, he will sit and stay when you throw it and wait for you to say get it before he moves. We're going on tour soon.

Here's a little story and then we'll get to the pictures. On Monday morning, I thought I would go for a run with Bailey. Kind of see where he is endurance wise. Well, he did great for the first half mile. I thought this is going to be great. A new running partner. Then, he kind of slowed down for the rest of that mile. Mile 2 came and I could tell that Bailey was not going to run anymore, so I thought we will just speed walk for the rest. The next two miles were a little difficult. I was coercing Bailey to keep up. Needless to say, I don't think Bailey will be the new running partner. We need to do some training first...

Not a super great picture. But he is cute!

He always does this cross the leg thing when he lays down. Not sure why, but we think it is funny. He is so black...at night when we let him outside, we can't even see him. We just listen for the jingle of his collar.

1 comment:

Barb said...

Cute..we love our black labs....