Thursday, May 14, 2009

I was Running...

ADB and I often run around a golf course here in Memphis on Saturdays and some Sunday afternoons.  We run here for several reasons:
1.  It is a change of scenery from my normal run
2.  ADB likes to run there and so I have a running partner
3.  It is really pretty there
4.  It's a golf course and so ADB likes to go there
5.  It's a golf course and so ADB can watch golfers while he runs
6.  Did I mention it is a golf course?

As many of you know, my husband is addicted to golf.  Addicted may be a strong word, but he really does love it!!  As I write this, he is on a golf tournament weekend - playing in a tournament with 16 other men where they are divided into two team.  They will play a lot of golf over the next 3 and a half days.  Anyway, we run around the golf course with different views/ways of running/thoughts on our mind.  Here is what I'm thinking when I run: 
I just love all the flowers/trees
I'm so glad I have a running partner today
Look at that house - they've done some work in their yard this week
Wow, that man's shirt is really yellow
Look at that cute dog (wish Bailey could come, but he would probably pass out after 5 minutes
As you can see...nothing really.  Just mindless thinking.

Here is how ADB runs (I'll give you the verbal since I'm not too sure what is going on in his head, but I'm sure it pertains to golf).
Did you see that guy hook the ball?  (me: Didn't really pay attention.)
Wow, that guy was lucky. (ADB to the man who hit the ball - You got a great bounce on that one) 
Babe, let's run on the other side of the street, this guys looks a little wild.
Nice, nice (referring to a shot that a guy made)
Let's watch this (I just keep running - he will catch up in a second)
As you can see all referring to golf.  He comments on how his neck hurts from straining to see golf shots as he is running.  I really think the only reason he runs with me is because it is a golf course that we are running around.  We normally run around twice (each lap 2 miles).

So, on this particular occasion, we are running close to a tee box.  ADB makes a comment on how this guy can't hit the ball the at all.  

me:  "How do you know? Do you know him?"
ADB, "No, I saw him hit earlier." 
me:  "When was that?  Did I see him?"
ADB:  "Yeah, it was a couple holes back."  Most likely on lap #1
me:  keep running
ADB:  "Heath, keep left, this guys wild."
I move over a little.  He has said this several times before.  I think at times it is a game he is playing with me to keep switching sides of the street.
We have run past the tee box now and maybe half way down the fairway.  ADB is no longer beside me as he has done his normal lag behind to watch the shot.
I hear the ball being hit.  Think nothing, hear it all the time running around the golf course.
Then I hear, "Fore!"
ADB:  Look out Babe!
I turn around quickly and see a golf ball barely miss me.  I'm not one to exaggerate...this ball just missed me.  Then I see my husband stop running completely, throw his hands up in the air and yell - "You Idiot"!  Yes, he yelled this.  plus, "What were you thinking?"  I thought ADB was going to fight the golfer.  He's not a fighter, but I really thought I was about to see him start sprinting the tee box.  Meanwhile I keep saying, "ADB, come on...I'm fine...Let's go...(using his full name)...(again full name) not a big deal...I'm okay... come on...he said "fore"...etc.

ADB:  I'm going to go talk with him.
me:  (mortified)  No!  He didn't mean to do it.  I'm fine.  Let's keep going.  (In fear I was about to see my husband fight someone)
ADB:  He should have waited five seconds and we would have been out of his range.
me:  It's okay.  
ADB:  He's an idiot.  I knew he was going to hook that shot.  He is a horrible golfer. 
me:  (pulling on his arm) Let's go.  We are almost done.     

Finally, we begin running again.  ABD is still talking about it.  I'm just trying to get back to the car before anything bad happens.  Day ends, we are fine.  Run again at the golf course.

A few weeks later....

We are running, ADB is doing the normal strain the neck to watch shots.  Switching me from one side of the street to the other.   Sometimes I'm obedient and listen and sometimes I just don't want to run across the street, so I move over a couple of steps and just keep going.  Well, this time we are running the opposite way around the golf course.  Change of direction.  It's good to change it up a bit.  Plus I thought we could work on the other side of ADB's neck strain.  Don't want one side of his neck bigger than the other. So we are now running toward a tee box.  We are about halfway to the tee box from the green, and ADB tells me to move over.  

ADB:  These guys look like crazy golfers.  Let's move over.
me:  (moving, but reluctant.  I'm not having a good run day and just want to stay the course.  Letting out sighs and sarcastic statements like, Is this guy really going to hit us??  How do you know??)
ADB:  Heath, really move over.  This doesn't look good.  (ADB running in front of me a bit now.  Kind of weird, but I just keep going.)  
The ball is hit.  I don't look up - just doing my thing running.  Hear the ball hit the pavement in front of us.  ADB catches the ball!!  What two times now we have almost been hit!!  Unbelievable!!  I mean don't these golfers have more control over what they are doing??   

I later learn that ADB knew this guy was going to hit it right at us, not on purpose but he just wasn't a good golfer.  So, he ran ahead to shield the ball from hitting me.  First of all, don't I have a great husband.  Second of all, when did he have the ability to know where shots were headed.  Amazing!!!

Shocking I know, but these events really did happen.  And yes, we still run around the golf course.  I like the change of scenery and ADB is fun to watch as he talks with and critiques the golfers.  I've just learned to move when he says move and to keep my eyes surveying a bit more instead of going off into runners world mindlessness.  Good lessons in being submissive.  I'm always learning..

1 comment:

Lisa J. said...

Incredible! I wish I could've seen a video of ADB almost throwing down for his woman!