Monday, June 29, 2009

Garden Update #2

Even though it has been so hot here in Memphis (in the 100's - you read that correctly) and we haven't seen rain in I don't know how many days, my little garden seems to be quite well. 

(This picture isn't the best!  I'll try to take another one soon.)

We have had some funny moments like when ADB told me that the corn had fallen over...and it really had.  He said to me one day when we came home from work, "H - you might want to go look at the corn because it has fallen over."   Yikes!!!!  But don't worry, with the handy internet, I found the problem and hence the solution...more dirt around the corn stalks.  So now we have standing corn...see slide #2

It gets taller everyday!

And now for the most exciting news...there is evidence that we may just see fruit (and vegetables) from this garden.  I was out walking around the garden.  Something I do everyday - just want to make sure everyone is doing okay.  I look at my cucumber plants (which I think are the cutest because they have these vines that swirl around anything they can find to attach to) and I find this....
It's the litle cuc!  Now, the key will be for it to grow to be a big cuc before some animal eats it.  

WARNING:  If you are an animal and I find you in my will be dead! - maybe not right at that moment, but watch your back - I will find you.  I now this sounds a bit intense, but you have to be.  

But don't worry, this cute dog won't be found in the garden...he's the keeper of garden.  He only went in the garden once (very early in the game) and soon learned that that wasn't the best thing for him.  He continues to be the best dog ever!!


c3 said...

Yay for your garden! I want one! So... I miss you--it's been too long!!! Any plans to come north?

Rachel said...

I can't believe you guys are in Memphis! I hope to be able to visit!!