Monday, September 21, 2009

Been a Long Time

To those of you out there that thought I might have given up on blogging, not quite.  I have just paused for a bit...a long bit.  I wish I was able to give some valid excuses for why I haven't written anything like, climbed Mount Everest and didn't have Internet access or hiked the Appalachian trail from beginning to end or my computer broke or had a baby so life was really crazy, but none of these have happened.  I don't have any excuses other than, I just haven't.   

I do have a few things in mind, but for now, thought I would leave you all with a photo of hubbie.  Football season is upon us.  So thought this was appropriate.  This is from a retreat night with the organization I work with.  The men were getting ready to play hours of competitive sports.  He looks ready!!  Look out!



Jan said...

glad to see you're back!!!

Alexa said...

Look its ANDY BECKMAN!!! oh man I miss you guys. Hope you are well.