Thursday, December 31, 2009

Happy New Year!!

Happy New Year Everyone!  With the coming New Year, I have made a resolution to actually blog (this does come with some kind and loving encouragement (prodding) from family and friends).  So, you have my word.  You will hear more from me soon.  Until then, I will leave you with a cute picture of puppy.  Isn't he just the cutest...

Sunday, September 27, 2009

Our First 5K

Believe it or not, Hubbie and I ran our first 5K together at the end July.  First a note on how over due this post is since I'm blogging about something that happened in July - I'm a little behind.  But nevertheless, a noteworthy occasion.  After six years of marriage, we decided it was a good idea.  Many factors come into play on why this was our first after so many years of marriage, but I don't think any interesting enough to note here.  Of course with everything I find myself doing with Hubbie, we have a story.

It was a cool July day.  I think the temperature was in the low 90's that morning...maybe high 80's.  Crazy to think that we paid money to run in this kind of heat, but we did.  We start in the middle of the pack at the starting line.  The first mile is pretty uneventful.  Soon after the first mile, Hubbie starts talking about passing people.  I don't know what brought on this competitive nature all of a sudden, maybe because we were naturally passing people who started sprinting in the beginning but soon learned that was not a pace they could keep up for the entire 3.1 miles.  Then, we start running up this incline.  I don't want to use the word hill, because I don't think we really have hills in Memphis.  This was a pretty steep incline if you ask me.  Hubbie says, "Let's pass some people on the hill."  It normally isn't my custom to sprint up hills while running, but Hubbie thought this was a good idea.  So, being a supportive runner, I agree and increase my pace a little.  He begins to get really excited about the number of people we are passing.  We finally reach the top (to which I was relieved - I don't know how long I could have kept that up).  My thought is we would coast down the decline and then pick back up on the flat part.  Little wrong was I.  He doesn't want to coast for a bit because people might start to pass us.  I'm not too worried and even if people pass us - that is okay.  For those of you that know me, I used to be super competitive and would have hated it if people passed me.  I think the Lord has really worked on this with me, and has taken some of that competitive nature away (not all of it as Hubbie attests to in my soccer games, but a large amount).  So I was truly okay if people started to pass me.  Then he notices this middle aged woman that was ahead of us a good ways (she was wearing green shorts - this is a detail that will come in handy for Hubbie's next comment).  He now says to me, "We cannot let the lady with the green shorts beat us!".  He was so serious.  I was like, "Who cares?  Let her win, I'm okay with the pace we are running now and if we start sprinting again I may not make it to the end of the race"...that would have been embarrassing.  Hubbie wouldn't let it rest.  He kept making comments about how we couldn't let that lady beat us and we needed to pick up the pace a little.  I held my ground.  I think she may have slowed a little because I notice that we are gaining on her and I'm pretty confident that we weren't running faster.  Hubbie is still making his comments as we are now in mile 2 and still wants to desperately pass this lady with the green shorts.  I continue to tell him I feel no need to pass her and I'm fine.  We continue to close the gap between us and continue to pass people.   I'm feeling good.  Nobody is passing us and we are passing people.  This is great!  Hubbie still comments on how we need to pass her - I continue to fight an increase in pace.  I think at some point we increase our pace a bit, because we pass her!  Hubbie is so excited.  I was like, "yes, now he will stop making comments about passing the lady in the green shorts."  Not more than 5 steps after passing the lady in green shorts, Hubbie says now we need to get the guy in the gray shorts.  WHAT!!!  I don't need to pass him either.  But we are pretty much on the final stretch.  I resist.  We continue to run and then we see the finish.  We pick it up to the finish line (not pushing it, just picked up the pace a bit), pass the guy in the gray shorts.  Another victory and we cross the finish line.  YEAH!!  No one else to pass.  

What an experience.  Who knew that Hubbie would be such a competitor during the race.  I was just looking forward to a fun little race together.  Not trying to break any times just run and enjoy.  Well, I do owe a huge thank you to Hubbie because I got 2nd place for my age group!!  Wow!  I think there were 3 factors that helped, 1. it wasn't a huge race and 2.  when you are in you're thirties, there aren't too many women out there running 5ks.    3.  Hubbie kept wanting to pass everyone so I had to keep up the pace.  Now don't be too impressed, it wasn't a great time, but sufficient for 2nd place.  I'm a little hesitant now to enter another 5k or longer race with Hubbie.   Who knows who we would have to pass...

Monday, September 21, 2009

Been a Long Time

To those of you out there that thought I might have given up on blogging, not quite.  I have just paused for a bit...a long bit.  I wish I was able to give some valid excuses for why I haven't written anything like, climbed Mount Everest and didn't have Internet access or hiked the Appalachian trail from beginning to end or my computer broke or had a baby so life was really crazy, but none of these have happened.  I don't have any excuses other than, I just haven't.   

I do have a few things in mind, but for now, thought I would leave you all with a photo of hubbie.  Football season is upon us.  So thought this was appropriate.  This is from a retreat night with the organization I work with.  The men were getting ready to play hours of competitive sports.  He looks ready!!  Look out!


Monday, July 27, 2009

America's Got Talent

I'm a bit late in posting this, but the other night, Hubbie and I were watching America's Got Talent.  When we catch it on TV, we like to watch it because of the Hoff  aka David Hasselhoff.  Not even sure if I'm spelling his name correctly.  He really is so funny, especially to ADB.  His comments are so random.  Anyway, just watching for pleasure making comments on the comments of the Hoff and then, this comes on....Go Memphis!!!  We've seen them on Beale Street and they really can flip.  Take a look and enjoy.  If anyone wants to visit, we will take you there to see them live...Any takers???

Garden and a few other things

It's been a month and so I thought it timely to do another garden update.  I have some fun and sad news about the garden.  Let's start with the sad and then we can get excited about fun!!  The sad news is 1 plant is dead and another may be soon to follow.  The squash plant which I had such high hopes for has died.  I think it is the gardener's fault which is very hard to admit.  Oh pride!!!  So, little baby squash that was growing now lays dead.  The zucchini plant is on its way down too!!  I'm trying to save it, but I think it might be too late.  Sad news!!  It doesn't help either that when I call my mom to tell her, she tells me she has squash and zucchini coming out of her ears in their garden.   Good thing I don't live close or I may be tempted to sabotage her plants.  Just kidding - I really wouldn't do that.

The fun news is that I do have cucumbers, bell peppers, tomatoes growing on the plants now and can't wait until they get bigger to pick.  I thought for a long time I was going to have tomato plants, but no tomatoes.  But they are showing their cute selves.  Also, this evening I went out and picked green beans....yeah...look at those things in the pot.  How fun to have some success and be able to eat them.  Small victories...

Some other news is ADB bought me a blueberry plant!!  This may not be so exciting for some of you, but  I love blueberries.  Hopefully next year I can have some of my own.  Right now I'm trying to figure out the best place for the plant to go so it will produce fruit.  But isn't it cute in its pot.  He surprised me with it one day after he went and got some groceries from the store.  He picked this up as well.  Don't I have the best Hubbie!!

Monday, June 29, 2009

Garden Update #2

Even though it has been so hot here in Memphis (in the 100's - you read that correctly) and we haven't seen rain in I don't know how many days, my little garden seems to be quite well. 

(This picture isn't the best!  I'll try to take another one soon.)

We have had some funny moments like when ADB told me that the corn had fallen over...and it really had.  He said to me one day when we came home from work, "H - you might want to go look at the corn because it has fallen over."   Yikes!!!!  But don't worry, with the handy internet, I found the problem and hence the solution...more dirt around the corn stalks.  So now we have standing corn...see slide #2

It gets taller everyday!

And now for the most exciting news...there is evidence that we may just see fruit (and vegetables) from this garden.  I was out walking around the garden.  Something I do everyday - just want to make sure everyone is doing okay.  I look at my cucumber plants (which I think are the cutest because they have these vines that swirl around anything they can find to attach to) and I find this....
It's the litle cuc!  Now, the key will be for it to grow to be a big cuc before some animal eats it.  

WARNING:  If you are an animal and I find you in my will be dead! - maybe not right at that moment, but watch your back - I will find you.  I now this sounds a bit intense, but you have to be.  

But don't worry, this cute dog won't be found in the garden...he's the keeper of garden.  He only went in the garden once (very early in the game) and soon learned that that wasn't the best thing for him.  He continues to be the best dog ever!!

Sunday, June 14, 2009

Vacation Time

Last week, ABD and I spent a few days at Perdido Beach in Florida.  It was beautiful and the weather was perfect!!  Here is a little picture from where we spent most of our days!

The Garden

The last weekend in May my parents and sister came to visit us here in Memphis.  When they came, I had a little project I wanted to do.  Probably not what they had in mind, but I couldn't think of a better thing to do.  I have always wanted to have a little garden of my own.  I grew up with a huge garden and love all the fresh vegetables!!  I don't think I had green beans from a can until I went to college.  So, if the master planter was coming to visit, I thought I would have him help me!  In our backyard here in Memphis, we had a little shed on a cement square.  I wanted to take that shed down the day we bought the house.  So after a year of looking at it, I figured this weekend was the weekend to get rid of that eye sore.  So, down came the shed and then we had the huge project of getting the concrete out so I could make the garden.  We rented this machine from Home Depot that cuts concrete.  Andy and my Dad went after it.  We used some of the concrete as a border to the garden and put the garden where the cement pad was.  Below is the finished result.  I'm so excited to have a garden and can't wait until I can see the fruit of our labor.  It was a very laborious job (lots of sweat and lots of dirt to cart in).

This is the corn section of the garden.  It is struggling a little bit... or at least I think.  But maybe I need to have a little patience and talk to it more.

The beans shot up.  That is what is to the right of the picture.  In the other section, I have tomatoes, peppers, squash, zucchini, cucumbers and carrots.  I already had to replace the zucchini plant.  The first one I put in died, but this one is doing great!!

I'll keep posting pictures so you can see the progress of my little garden.  

Thursday, May 14, 2009

I was Running...

ADB and I often run around a golf course here in Memphis on Saturdays and some Sunday afternoons.  We run here for several reasons:
1.  It is a change of scenery from my normal run
2.  ADB likes to run there and so I have a running partner
3.  It is really pretty there
4.  It's a golf course and so ADB likes to go there
5.  It's a golf course and so ADB can watch golfers while he runs
6.  Did I mention it is a golf course?

As many of you know, my husband is addicted to golf.  Addicted may be a strong word, but he really does love it!!  As I write this, he is on a golf tournament weekend - playing in a tournament with 16 other men where they are divided into two team.  They will play a lot of golf over the next 3 and a half days.  Anyway, we run around the golf course with different views/ways of running/thoughts on our mind.  Here is what I'm thinking when I run: 
I just love all the flowers/trees
I'm so glad I have a running partner today
Look at that house - they've done some work in their yard this week
Wow, that man's shirt is really yellow
Look at that cute dog (wish Bailey could come, but he would probably pass out after 5 minutes
As you can see...nothing really.  Just mindless thinking.

Here is how ADB runs (I'll give you the verbal since I'm not too sure what is going on in his head, but I'm sure it pertains to golf).
Did you see that guy hook the ball?  (me: Didn't really pay attention.)
Wow, that guy was lucky. (ADB to the man who hit the ball - You got a great bounce on that one) 
Babe, let's run on the other side of the street, this guys looks a little wild.
Nice, nice (referring to a shot that a guy made)
Let's watch this (I just keep running - he will catch up in a second)
As you can see all referring to golf.  He comments on how his neck hurts from straining to see golf shots as he is running.  I really think the only reason he runs with me is because it is a golf course that we are running around.  We normally run around twice (each lap 2 miles).

So, on this particular occasion, we are running close to a tee box.  ADB makes a comment on how this guy can't hit the ball the at all.  

me:  "How do you know? Do you know him?"
ADB, "No, I saw him hit earlier." 
me:  "When was that?  Did I see him?"
ADB:  "Yeah, it was a couple holes back."  Most likely on lap #1
me:  keep running
ADB:  "Heath, keep left, this guys wild."
I move over a little.  He has said this several times before.  I think at times it is a game he is playing with me to keep switching sides of the street.
We have run past the tee box now and maybe half way down the fairway.  ADB is no longer beside me as he has done his normal lag behind to watch the shot.
I hear the ball being hit.  Think nothing, hear it all the time running around the golf course.
Then I hear, "Fore!"
ADB:  Look out Babe!
I turn around quickly and see a golf ball barely miss me.  I'm not one to exaggerate...this ball just missed me.  Then I see my husband stop running completely, throw his hands up in the air and yell - "You Idiot"!  Yes, he yelled this.  plus, "What were you thinking?"  I thought ADB was going to fight the golfer.  He's not a fighter, but I really thought I was about to see him start sprinting the tee box.  Meanwhile I keep saying, "ADB, come on...I'm fine...Let's go...(using his full name)...(again full name) not a big deal...I'm okay... come on...he said "fore"...etc.

ADB:  I'm going to go talk with him.
me:  (mortified)  No!  He didn't mean to do it.  I'm fine.  Let's keep going.  (In fear I was about to see my husband fight someone)
ADB:  He should have waited five seconds and we would have been out of his range.
me:  It's okay.  
ADB:  He's an idiot.  I knew he was going to hook that shot.  He is a horrible golfer. 
me:  (pulling on his arm) Let's go.  We are almost done.     

Finally, we begin running again.  ABD is still talking about it.  I'm just trying to get back to the car before anything bad happens.  Day ends, we are fine.  Run again at the golf course.

A few weeks later....

We are running, ADB is doing the normal strain the neck to watch shots.  Switching me from one side of the street to the other.   Sometimes I'm obedient and listen and sometimes I just don't want to run across the street, so I move over a couple of steps and just keep going.  Well, this time we are running the opposite way around the golf course.  Change of direction.  It's good to change it up a bit.  Plus I thought we could work on the other side of ADB's neck strain.  Don't want one side of his neck bigger than the other. So we are now running toward a tee box.  We are about halfway to the tee box from the green, and ADB tells me to move over.  

ADB:  These guys look like crazy golfers.  Let's move over.
me:  (moving, but reluctant.  I'm not having a good run day and just want to stay the course.  Letting out sighs and sarcastic statements like, Is this guy really going to hit us??  How do you know??)
ADB:  Heath, really move over.  This doesn't look good.  (ADB running in front of me a bit now.  Kind of weird, but I just keep going.)  
The ball is hit.  I don't look up - just doing my thing running.  Hear the ball hit the pavement in front of us.  ADB catches the ball!!  What two times now we have almost been hit!!  Unbelievable!!  I mean don't these golfers have more control over what they are doing??   

I later learn that ADB knew this guy was going to hit it right at us, not on purpose but he just wasn't a good golfer.  So, he ran ahead to shield the ball from hitting me.  First of all, don't I have a great husband.  Second of all, when did he have the ability to know where shots were headed.  Amazing!!!

Shocking I know, but these events really did happen.  And yes, we still run around the golf course.  I like the change of scenery and ADB is fun to watch as he talks with and critiques the golfers.  I've just learned to move when he says move and to keep my eyes surveying a bit more instead of going off into runners world mindlessness.  Good lessons in being submissive.  I'm always learning..

Friday, April 17, 2009

Check this out!!

Things aren't always what they seem. I think there is a lesson here for us all!!

Click here!

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Do you Know Him?

I was at a women's conference a couple of weekends ago called Redemption.  They played this little clip and I thought it was great for Resurrection Sunday.  Happy Easter everyone!  Let's Celebrate Jesus!!


Thursday, March 19, 2009


This week, Hubbie and I were able to help out with a project in a local cemetery called Zion Cemetery.  There was a college spring break conference for people here in Memphis this week called The Rising.  Hubbie's office mate is the leader/director of The Rising.  For more about The Rising and its vision click here.  The basic concept is to get people to talk about/discuss how to live out the gospel where there is division.  This division can be caused by socio-economic lines, classism, racism, etc.  During their week, one of the things they were apart of was restoring an abandoned cemetery. Sounds kind of weird, I know.  That was kind of what I thought when Hubbie and I were asked to help out with it.  But after serving that day raking, tearing stubborn vines, clearing dead trees, and picking up random trash (we found an old bed frame and an old carpet while we were clearing), there was something very redeeming about the day.  The day before we did a little research to find out what this Zion Cemetery really was.  It was interesting and even inspiring.  Here is a little video about Zion Cemetery.  An interesting fact is the first African American female physician is buried there and yet the cemetery itself looks like a jungle...well not the first 4 acres, but the last part of it does.  The little team I led was in charge of clearing a section.  I felt like I was in a jungle with all the vines and brush.   Hubbie also led a team and of course we were next to one another and of course we joked it was a competition to see who could clear the most, but you know in all jest there is a bit of seriousness...okay maybe a little more than a little.  We did have a great time getting to know some college students and talking with them about all kinds of things under the sun.  

It was a day well spent!

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Little hat modeled

One of the friends I made a hat for sent me this picture.  She had a friend  do a photo shoot of the little one and got a picture of little "Z" wearing the hat.  I thought it was so cute and had to share...a little big for her head, but still she looks so adorable in it!!

Monday, March 2, 2009


They were predicting maybe an inch of snow.   Then it just kept coming and coming and coming...soon they changed their report to higher estimates of snow.  Who knew we would get 4-5 inches.!!!  

But isn't it pretty!!!  I think it looks so wonderful because in two days it will all be gone!!  Here today gone tomorrow...well not exactly but it's melting quickly.

Here are some photos from Sunday Morning...also our 6th wedding anniversary!!!

Saturday, February 28, 2009

Riverdance and Tennis

The week before last was a fun one.  We were able to spend a lot of time at a local professional tennis tournament here in Memphis.  We were able to see James Blake and Andy Roddick play.  They didn't play each other, but did play right after each other.  We were able to watch several matches leading up to the finals and I even got to watch the final men's and women's matches.  I think I'm all caught up on my tennis watching.  Hubbie loved watching all the matches.  I loved going as well, but while he was paying attention to what kind of a backhand the players were using I would be watching the ball boys/girls.  They are so fun to watch.  Some of them are nervous and aren't really sure what to do.  The towel the players used was an issue for many of them.  Where to put it after the player was finished using it, catching balls while handing the towel to players was a fun interchange.  They were entertaining for me.  

The other really exciting thing we did was went to see the Riverdance at a theatre downtown.  If you have not seen this, you must!!  So entertaining and well done.  I just love all the Irish dancing and the musicians were amazing!!!  I really enjoyed it.  Hubbie wasn't too excited about going, but after the performance was glad he went.  He even enjoyed it!!   

This week we had a friend from New York come and visit.  That's a quick update.

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Little Hats

In November, I went to Colorado to help my sister while her husband was in Germany for business.  She has two little boys.  Since I was only able to come for part of the week, her mother-in-law, Mrs. L., came to help as well.   Mrs. L is a fellow knitter and crocheter.  Little did I know what was in store for me during my visit.  

While I was there, we made several outings into town.  I learned of tons of little restaurants and other great shops.  It was like having my own personal tour guide.  One day, Mrs. L took me to 2 different knitting shops.  The shops were so cute and very inspirational.  Since it was right before Christmas, you can only imagine all the cute displays.  The second place we went, the owner had great big mittens and stockings hanging from her trees.  Very cute and festive!!  Anyway, Mrs L. bought me this crochet kit for a hat.  I haven't done a whole lot of crocheting...I pretty much am a knitter, but thought I would venture out.  Mrs. L thought I could get the hang of it pretty quickly.  So, with many of my friends here in Memphis having babies, I thought I would make little hats for the newborns.  I think they turned out pretty well.  My second one was better than my first.  I think I did a better job on the flowers.  Here is a picture of the first one.  

Thanks Mrs. L for inspiring me to crochet.  I might even like it better than knitting, but don't tell anyone.

Saturday, January 31, 2009

Back in Action

It's time to celebrate!!  ADB and I finally bought another computer.  YEAH!!!  So, that means I'm back in the blog world.  Sorry that I have been absent so long.  But don't worry I'm back and have not given up on the blog.  It is just hard to update when you don't have a computer!!

Few Updates:

1.  For Christmas, we spent a week with my family in Virginia.   Fun, Fun!

2.  It has "snowed" twice here in Memphis this month.  I use the word "snow" lightly as there was snow on the ground, but it was just a covering.  Nothing like the snow we had in New York.  People got so excited about the snow and I've heard this is the most snow they have had in quite a while.  ADB and I didn't really venture out and play or anything, we simply rejoiced that we didn't have to shovel or clean off our cars (yeah for the covered parking)!

3.  Besides a computer, we bought a new chair.  It might take the place of the "king" chair, but ADB isn't sure which one he likes the best.  I will say he spends a large majority of the time in the new chair.  A picture to come soon (I hope).   Need to download some from our camera.

4.   Bailey is doing well.  We went running the other day together for the first time since our outing several months ago.  As you may remember he didn't make it very far.  This time he made it a bit farther (maybe a mile and a half) and he did run faster.  But, halfway through the run I did stop by the house and drop him off.  ADB and I have been trying to shave off some weight and get him into better shape.  We have a bit more to go!!

5.  I've been knitting a bit more.  Some of my friends here have been having some of the cutest babies and so I've been making some baby hats for them.  Hopefully I'll post some pictures of those soon.

That's really it.  It's good to be back and I'll try to post some pictures soon!!!